Inventions have played an absolutely relevant role in the development, evolution and growth of our society and have been a key factor in the creation of new technologies and tools that allow us to enjoy better communication, health, safety and well-being in our lives, while allowing the introduction of all kinds of products and systems that allow human beings to reach their maximum potential in all possible aspects of their daily lives.
At GM we collaborate actively and with great commitment with all the inventors, scientists, technicians, experts and companies that carry out research and development tasks on a daily basis for the introduction of patents, utility models and industrial designs on the market through its registration, protection, defense and commercial exploitation in our country and abroad, in branches such as pharmaceutical, petrochemical, chemical, biotechnological, mechanical and electrical.
We have carried out effective schemes of all types of licenses and contracts in relation to inventions; We work hand in hand with various Technology Transfer Centers with Universities, entrepreneurs, researchers and companies; we have extensive experience in developing projects and strategies for the protection of know-how, industrial secrets and confidentiality agreements; and we participate in all stages of product and system development, from preliminary stages to market launch; and we also advise on everything related to health, regulatory and official standards for our clients’ products.
- Analysis of patentability and issuance of technical-legal opinions.
- Searches for novelty and inventive activity in prior art.
- Preparation of technical reports, including the preparation and protection of claims.
- Guidance, consultancy and advice for the presentation of applications.
- Preparation and filing of patent applications, utility models and industrial designs.
- Maintenance actions, including annuity payments and voluntary amendments.
- Preparation of all types of contracts related to confidentiality and industrial secrets.
- Contractual and labor regulation for developers and inventors.
- Preparation, negotiation and review of all types of license contracts and transfer of rights related to inventions.
- Development of strategies and projects for technology transfer.
- Analysis and investigations related to FTO’s (Freedom to operate).
- Applications and obtaining of complementary certificates.
- Requests for the inclusion of pharmaceutical patents in the IMPI Medicines Gazette.
- Response to formal and substantive requirements in application procedures.
- Obtaining registrations, permits and sanitary, regulatory and official normativity authorizations for patents.